Indigenous Liaison Officer

Karen MaberKaren Maber

I’m a Darug woman, seventh generation born and reared around the waterways south of Sydney. Later I was drawn to the Blue Mountains; to the healing natural beauty and welcoming community. It has been my home for the past twenty years and where my sons were born.  I was recently elected to the position of Chairperson of the Blue Mountains Aboriginal Culture & Resource Centre after holding the position of Board Member and Secretary for the past five years.

Originally, as a ‘participant’ in the Deepening Histories of Place project in Sydney, I was impressed by the concept of gathering stories of people and their contemporary connection to place.  Under the direction of Ms Julia Torpey, I found the experience positive and empowering.  I had previously never been recorded before.

I was invited to join the project as Indigenous Liaison Officer, Blue Mountains in early 2012.  My role involved introducing the project to the Blue Mountains community and facilitating interviews with selected community members (Elders and Artists) in personally significant places, of their own choosing. Following this, I have kept participants updated on the progress of the project as well as having gathered supporting photos and documents which compliment each interview.  The project has been extremely well received in the Blue Mountains community and every participant has been impressed with the level of respect and the correct protocols being shown to them, honoring their personal stories.

In January and February 2013 I spent several days at ANU, Canberra, meeting the team, working in the MAC suite, scanning and uploading agreements, uploading and tagging images, attending the Project Management Team Meeting and planning the future launch of the Downloadable Landscape history for the Blue Mountains/Sydney region.  These trips to ANU updated my current skill base and taught me new administration skills which have raised my confidence beyond belief.

Updated:  4 April 2013/ Responsible Officer:  Centre Director/ Page Contact:  Web Development Officer about this site